In this episode of "Batman The Animated Series," Batman is a little weary of crime fighting cycle that is notorious in Gotham - he catches them, the "system" sets them free. He goes out to fight-the-fight again, steers someone to get help, then off again into the night. The storyline includes Batman's friend, Commissioner Gordon, getting shot and Batman struggles with not getting there in time to stop it. However, by the end of the episode, Batman saves Gordon from a second attempt at his life by a split second. Cut to the final scene, a follow-up that gives the Dark Knight more validation that all his efforts do make a difference.
We all need that same kind of validation sometimes. It's not being "high maintenance" or egotistical to want some validation. Receiving validation is that sign that we're on the right path to our dreams, we've made the best decisions, or simply that all is well. Validation is not flattering someone, it's acknowledging in a genuine manner one's contribution to your life or others - that their words, actions, beliefs, have worth. How have you validated someone in your life lately?
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